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The National Crime Agency are at the forefront of law enforcement in the UK and look for a wide variety of skills and experience to help protect the public.
- 3 jobs
SaluteMyJob is on a mission is to better connect ex-military people with supportive employers and the opportunities they offer by offering a variety of ex-military recruitment services. Soldiers, sailors and airmen have transferable knowledge, skill...
- 2 jobs
The Security Cleared EXPO is the largest recruitment event for Security Cleared candidates.
- 2 jobs
Square One understands the challenges that many businesses face when looking for talented, qualified IT, ERP and Pharmaceutical professionals. We also understand how important it is to find the right job. We have become renowned throughout...
- 9 jobs
Welcome to Summer-Browning Associates, we provide an extensive range of consultancy and resourcing services to both public and private sectors through our direct capabilities and extensive network of associates.