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- 2 jobs
Actica is a Business and Technical Consultancy working on some of the most nationally critical technology and organisational transformation projects. We specialise in delivering complex programmes and projects to challenging timescales.
- 65 jobs
BAE Systems Digital Intelligence is home to more than 4,500 digital, cyber and intelligence experts.
BDO UK provides tax, audit and assurance, advisory and business outsourcing services to companies across all sectors of the economy.
- 4 jobs
Belcan’s Workforce Solutions segment delivers customer-specific technical and professional recruiting, managed workforce programs, and total talent services. Our industry-leading talent and collaborative approach allows us to adapt quickly to dynamic c...
CMC is an SME specialising in business transformation, working with a wide range of customers across the UK and beyond. Our goal is to build genuine, mutually beneficial relationships underpinned by honesty, respect and clarity. CMC is made up of a com...